Sunday, 16 September 2012

I heart it #4

This week has been a rather strange week for me. Here are some of the pictures i have hearted and some reasons behind it :)

An odd picture i'm sure your thinking ! well my week started off with my first ever trip in an ambulance ! I have been complaining of a sore back on and off for a week or so and then on monday night when i went to bed it was really sore and when i woke up i just couldn't move or sit up the pain was unbearable so i had to get an ambulance to the hospital ! Turns out its something called Sciatica and its just basically a trapped nerve at the bottom of my spine. I'm a lot better now i was sent home with a lot of pills and told to rest so i'm nearly all better thank god !

Now to cheer you up after that depressing story haha. I found this picture and as a sucker for a cat photo's i really fell in love with it ! Its like the feline answer to Godzilla :)

Also this week before my back incident i went down to my local Brownie troop to become a volunteer ! All in my master plan to go to camp america next year ! I need experience with children so i thought this would be the best place to start and everyone there seems really nice :) 

I seen this picture and it made me think of how sometimes i worry a little too much about the number of followers on my blog ! But as the picture states the number of followers does not determine your worth ! and i am rather happy having a small number of loyal followers :)

And last but not least ! With everything going on with my back i had completely forgotton until yesterday that tomorrow i start university !! My friend moved into her flat yesterday and says one of her roommates is on my course and is really nice so at least there is some hope there ! More than just friends i think i'm scared i wont be able to do the work as doing a Fashion Btec we never did any essays or referencing and i haven't taken an exam since my GCSEs ! so i'm not sure how quick i will be able to catch up with those coming from A Levels ! Hopefully it will all go fine though :)
Now i just have to worry about what to wear !


  1. Ouchie about the trapped nerve - sounds painful just thinking about it. That large kitty image is so funny though, we have a large cat ourselves and just made me think of her!

  2. Hi Launa - thanks for your comment on my Vegas post. If you want any Vegas books to help with your planning let me know. I bought three of the newest ones from Amazon which I could sell to you cheaply if you're interested, now worries if not :) Gem x (@fluttersparkle on twitter if you want to chat about it)

  3. Looove the cat picture haha x
