I have seen these on a few blogs and find them really interesting to read so thought i would have a go myself :)
Best Buy - A really cute moustache ring ! It came in the post yesterday and i will show it off soon :)
Best Tv Show - Awkward ! I have become addicted to it ! I hope they realise the series on dvd & The Charlie Sheen Roast ! I have a huge obsession with Charlie Sheen and his roast was hysterical !
Best Of My iTunes - I am currently listening to a lot of Bowling For Soup and Son Of Dork reliving my punk phase !
Best Book - I have started reading One Day and its good so far but with all my college work haven't got round to finishing it.
Best Film - Fright Night ! I thought this was amazing and one of my favourite actors Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Mclovin) is in it :)
Best Website - Weheartit.com the images are so inspiring and i literally spend hours on here !
Best Moment - My boyfriend buying Cineworld unlimited passes :) As i love going the cinema :)
October Brings - A new hair colour !! Soo excited to dye it :) , Mine and my boyfriends three and a half year anniversary ! ( Yes we celebrate half's :D ) Halloween my favourite holiday ! I have always said it halloween had presents it would out do christmas for me !
What have you been up to this month ?
Friday, 30 September 2011
Thursday, 29 September 2011
ootd - Multicoloured
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Dress - Primark, Leggings & Boots - Topshop |
As usual i have slacking this week ! I once again have been so busy with college ! And have very exciting news as well ! I think i mentioned quite a few posts ago that i was trying to volunteer for a street style website based in Liverpool called Fashion Finds ! Well they got back to me a few weeks ago but with all the stress of starting college i only read the email a few days ago ! And they want me to be a street style photographer for them ! So i have already scoured the streets of Liverpool and sent them a few pics and one of them is featured on their site right now ! With a link to me and my blog underneath it ! It may not seem that exciting to you but to me it is such a big deal :) So i may make it a feature on here to show some of the street style pictures i take ! Would you be interested in that or not ? Let me know !
Sunday, 25 September 2011
And The Winner Is …
The Lovely Sara from The Woollen Mitten
Hope you like the necklace and earrings as much as i do :) Will Email You now for your address :)
Will hopefully do another giveaway when i reach 100 followers :D
Saturday, 24 September 2011
What I Wore Yesterday
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T-shirt & Skirt - H&M, Leggings, Hairband & Boots -Topshop, Necklace - Primark |
I realised yesterday that it had been quite sometime since i last did an outfit post ! So here it is ! I was only going to sit in my boyfriends so i just threw some clothes on. I wore my Ramones T-Shirt which i got from H&M a few months ago and surprisingly hadn't got round to wearing it till yesterday. I also wore my new H&M skirt which since i have bought i have been basically living in ! Its so easy to throw on and goes with so many things ! I'm wearing my bird cage necklace from Primark :) Which i adore and am giving one away in my giveaway which ends tomorrow so go enter if you already haven't :)
I also redid my nails in a kind of scrabble style :) I'm loving my nail art pen so much but am running out of idea's now ! Do you have any nail designs you would like me to try out ?
Friday, 23 September 2011
Remington Pearl Wand Review !
So i mentioned a week or so ago i had finally purchased the Remington Pearl Wand after wanting one for quite a while now ! So here is the review on it that i promised :)
I also have a little announcement to make ! Next month i am planning to dye my hair ginger ! I am a little bit scared but have wanted a big change for a while and don't think you can get a bigger change than this ! The only thing i am really worried about is what to do about my eyebrows because they are really dark ! My friend suggested just getting them thinner but i quite like my thick brows ! I am considering just getting them lightened but don't know much about it ! Has anyone had their lighted and can tell me what its like ??
Here is the kind of gingers i am thinking of
This is my hair as i woke up this morning ! Its naturally curly but i had straightened it last night !
This is the wand :) It has a on/off button and two buttons to adjust the heat. It starts at 130 degrees and goes up to 210 degrees. It literally heats up in seconds ! The wand comes with a gloved for you to use so that you don't burn your fingers but i find i can't separate my hair properly with the glove on so i am still getting one or two burn't fingers now and again :( The product also comes with a heat proof sleeve to place the wand in after curling :)
This is my hair after ! Its really curly :) You can achieve bigger curls by using bigger sections of hair but today i felt like tighter curls ! I find that all the other curlers i have used i have to thicken my hair in hair spray to keep the curls in ! I have used this wand quite a few times now and have not used any spray and my curls have stayed in all day and hardly dropped out ! Which is amazing ! I would honestly recommed this to anybody as it is to easy to use and really quick it took about 15 minutes for me to do my hair opposed to the usual hour with my other curlers !!
Here is the kind of gingers i am thinking of
What do you think ??
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Giveaway !!!
So i have been considering doing a giveaway for a while and wanted to do one when i reached 50 followers ! Well i am nearly there at 47 so i thought i would do it now :) I myself bought this necklace the other day and have had so many complements on it so i thought it would be great as a giveaway ! Its a little bird cage with a bird in it if you can't see properly from the pictures ! I also seen these earrings and thought they would go nicely :) The giveaway ends on sunday night 6.pm GMT and i will announce who has won then ! I will then post it on monday to the luck winner :) Only UK residents please :)
So here are the rules !
For one entry
*You must be a google friend connect follower
*You must leave your email for me to contact you
For extra entries (You have to do the steps above before you can get extra entries.)
* Tweet about the giveaway = +1 extra entry
* Blog about my giveaway = +2 extra entries
Just leave a comment below with your email and how many entries :)
So here are the rules !
For one entry
*You must be a google friend connect follower
*You must leave your email for me to contact you
For extra entries (You have to do the steps above before you can get extra entries.)
* Tweet about the giveaway = +1 extra entry
* Blog about my giveaway = +2 extra entries
Just leave a comment below with your email and how many entries :)
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Aztec Nails
Here is my latest attempt at nail art :) I have been dying to try aztec nails for a while now ! I don't think they turned out too bad :/ The photo above is the one i had done with my left hand so its a lot more shaky than the other !
Hope you are all having a great weekend ! I now have to get back to my college work :(
Friday, 16 September 2011
Blog Award !!
Omg i am so shoked to have got a blog award :) Has really made my day ! I would like to thank Sandra from CurvySmurfette For giving me it :D Check out her blog its really good :)
So here are the rules !
* Say Thank you with a linking post
* Write 7 things about yourself
* Give the award to 15 other blogs
* Inform them about it !
So here is 7 things you may not know about me !
1. I have been with my boyfriend for three and a half years !
2. I watch at least 1 film a day and sometime watch up to 5 :)
3. My favorite band is Bowling for Soup
4. I am from Liverpool
5. I am terrified of turning 20 !!
6. I am a huge Harry Potter fan
7. Winter is my favourite season :)
Here are my blog nominations :)
Hope you check them all out and love reading them as much as i do :)
Thursday, 15 September 2011
My Week In Pictures :)
I'm sorry i haven't been the best blogger lately ! But i have been a little overwhelmed with the amount of college work i have been given this week ! Promise to be a better blogger this coming week :)
I have seen a few of these on numerous blogs and have wanted to give it a go myself ! So here it is my week in pictures :)
I am a really big Harry Potter fan and have been trying to convince my boyfriend to take me to orlando to go the new harry potter world ! But it hasn't quite worked :(. But my boyfriend did find a box of Bertie Botts every flavor beans in a new sweet shop !!! I was so excited when he gave me them ! The flavours are a little unusual with things such as Earthworm, Rotten Egg & Soap ! The worst one though was Vomit !! Which i can say i did try and the flavours where pretty much spot on !! Had a bit of fun getting family to taste and guess the flavours though :) definitely recommend them if you can get your hands on them.
I also won my first blog give away !!! I won this cute little bracelet from Sarah from BeautyInImperfection . Thank you !! I haven't worn it out yet but definitely will this coming week ! Also Considering a 50 Follower giveaway myself ! If i do what would you want from a giveaway for example - jewellery or bath stuff or make up ?? Let me know :)
I have also been craving a decal for my mac for a long time ! I originally considered a snow white one which i have seen many other people with. But i then came across a Mr Potato head one ! I love ToyStory so i ordered this and it came this morning !!! What do you think ??
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Leopard Print !
I can't wait to try out different designs and patterns :) I'm already considering buying one in white as well !
I also bought the Remington Pearl Wand as i have been after a wand curler for ages as well and after some great reviews of the Remington one i got it :) I haven't used it properly yet but will post a review myself when i do !
Hope every one had a good weekend !
Thursday, 8 September 2011
New Header :)
Decided my blog needed a bit of a shake up so i had been playing about with the idea of a new header ! And i had the idea of a scrabble one after seeing loads of people wearing those scrabble rings !
What do you think ?
Also i can't for the life of me figure out how to get my header to the centre does anybody know how ?
What do you think ?
Also i can't for the life of me figure out how to get my header to the centre does anybody know how ?
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
ootd - Maroon
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Dress - Miss Selfridge, Coat - Next, Leggings - Topshop, Hairband - Primark |
So i ended up buying the dress from Miss Selfridge ! I really love it ! Its really simple but i think it looks really good on compared to on the picture online. I wore it with my favourite jacket from next, you can't really tell from the picture but its a padded Barbour style jacket which i got last year but they seem to be a big trend for this winter as well so it turned out to be a good buy ! Today the weather was so bad it just seemed to rain all day ! Will have to invest in a good umbrella soon :)
No wednesday wishes for today ! As i am putting myself on a shopping ban ( god know's how long it will last ) as i don't have that much money to be spending on clothes right now. I also need to start saving for christmas as i have a very long list of people to buy for !
College went well ! I am in the same days as i was last year so i won't feel too muddled up ! And i am in the same class as my friends which is always nice :) I meant to get a picture of what i wore on my first day but by the time i got to my boyfriends ( my usual photographer ! ) that night i looked a mess ! Our new project is on liverpool which is great as thats where i live so i can draw loads of inspiration from just walking around the city :) Will post some work when it gets finished :)
Sunday, 4 September 2011
ootd - Last Day Of Summer
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Dress, Leggings & Boots - Topshop, Cardigan - Primark |
Today i wore my LBD from Topshop and teamed it with my new cardigan from Primark which i love ! Its perfect for the coming winter as it is so comfortable and warm and i just love the colours ! It was also really cheap at only £15 when something similar in Topshop would cost around £50.
In my last post i mentioned my dilemma between two dresses from Evans ! Thanks to everyone who commented it was a really hard choice but when i got to the store they didn't have the second dress in stock so i just tried the first which was what i think i was swaying towards anyway but when i tried it on it was such an awkward fit ! it was really baggy on top but tight on my legs. And just didn't look right :( A few shops later however i found another dress that struck my fancy. A Maroon coloured dress from Miss Selfridge for just £28
What do you think ?
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